Embarking from Douglas, our narrative unfolds at Braddan Old Church, a site showcasing the Isle’s remarkable collection of intricately carved Viking stone crosses. These artistic relics provide a glimpse into the island’s historical tapestry.
Our voyage carries us to the Braaid, where echoes of the past resonate within an Iron Age longhouse and two Norse longhouses. These structures are a testament to occupation spanning until the 11th or 12th century.
We continue our expedition eastward and arrive at St. Johns, home to the iconic Tynwald Hill. Comprising stones from all of the Isle’s 17 ancient parishes, this hill is the backdrop for the Island’s annual open-air parliamentary gathering, Tynwald. A tradition believed to have been established by Norse Viking settlers over a millennium ago, this event makes the Isle home to the world’s oldest continuous parliament.
Our journey progresses to Peel Castle, a bastion that once housed Christian missionaries, Viking warriors, and royalty. Erected by the Vikings in the 11th century, the castle graces St. Patrick’s Isle, leaving an indelible mark on the Peel coastline. At the House of Manannan, the mythical sea god guides us through the island’s Celtic, Viking, and maritime heritage as we explore life-size reconstructions, immersive film presentations, and a replica of the Viking ship Odin’s Raven.
Southward to Balladoole, we encounter one of the Isle’s most remarkable ancient sites. The discovery of a Viking boat burial from the 10th century, complete with a 36-foot-long ship and the remains of a man and woman, unveils a captivating window into the past.
Continuing our sojourn, we reach Castletown, the historical capital of Mann. Nestled along the southern coast, this charming town captivates visitors with its scenic harbour and well-preserved architecture. Exploring Castle Rushen, a medieval fortress once inhabited by Mann’s rulers, offers an immersive experience through era-accurate decor and lifelike settings, solidifying its status as one of Europe’s best-preserved medieval castles.